Wellness Articles, Wellness Cuisine

10 Best Foods To Eat While Traveling.

July 2, 2023

We can all agree that maintaining healthy food routines could be a bit tricky while traveling.

Isn’t an exploration of local dishes a vital part of the whole traveling experience after all?

We believe you can (and should) have it all.

Below are the 10 top superfoods that are easily found not only in Thailand but pretty much anywhere in the world.


This creamy, highly alkaline fruit provides nearly twenty essential nutrients, including potassium, vitamins E and B and fiber.


Rich in healthy carbohydrates, potatoes are a great source of nutrition. Their nutritional benefits include vitamin C, iron, magnesium and potassium.


Cleansing and gently detoxifying. Contains calcium and niacin, which means it aids digestion and lowers blood pressure.


Boasting with a long list of vitamins and minerals – calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Delicious in salads, smoothies and stews.


High in protein and calcium, zinc and vitamin E. Producing calming effect on the skin. Almond flour makes perfect vegan and keto cakes and pastries too.


Packed with calcium, magnesium, and potassium which metabolizes vitamin A ad encourages healthy eyesight. Carrots also help detoxify the liver and therefore are perfect as part of a cleansing regime during #detox programs.


Contains high levels of vitamin C, calcium and fiber. It is also an antioxidant, antiviral and natural liver stimulant.


Watermelon is a wonderfully refreshing and hydrating fruit. Easily digested due to its high-water content, it is also rich in vitamins C and A, offering anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Mango is a luxuriously sweet fruit, extremely high in vitamin C and dietary fiber.

The exotic papaya contains three times an adult’s daily requirement of vitamin C, boosting skin health. The enzyme-rich fruit also soothes the stomach and improves digestion.


Traditionally used to combat nausea, ginger root has many other uses in medicine and in the kitchen. Source of calcium magnesium, potassium and phosphorus improving circulation and stimulating the liver. A must for all your #detox needs.


All over the world, various parts of the coconut are used for multiple purposes. The ‘milk’ can be consumed as an energizing antioxidant drink and can promote #weight maintenance. The oil is a healthy alternative to other cooking oils. Coconut flesh is high in phosphorus, magnesium and potassium that acts as a gentle #detox aiding elimination.  

Have we sparked your interest in using food as medicine even when you are traveling?

Whether you choose our expertly designed Detox Program or Yoga & Wellness Retreats rest assured your healthy food routines with be easily managed – and enjoyed.

Explore our current offers here.

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